

“A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.” (Proverbs 22: 9)

The caring person who enjoys helpng others receives blessings abundantly. Jesus taught that giving brings the reward of toward blessings. Stewardship involves more than regular gifts to God’s work. It also involves a caring attitude that leads to caring actions for people in need.


Dear Abba, today’s focus is upon the question: “How Important Is Care of the Needy? It is the cornerstone of what Jesus did on this earth. God had always taken care of His people, but this is going beyond that aspect, and making a change on us as individuals and how we interact with those in need. Jesus always said we would always have the poor and needy among us, which is true, but it is not enough to recognize that we have people in need in obvious and not so obvious places, and then what are we to do about their situation. Are we to simply say, “Well, we have always had people in need and forget them?” I don’t think so. It is our responsibility to help them as best as we can. I have often carried with me sacks of things, maybe coupons for fast food restaurants, and a couple of dollars, some water, and maybe some crackers and occasionally a sandwich, along with a scripture that I felt moved to put in the bags. I hand them out at intersections, along with a verbal blessing. I have had people riding with me say, “You know they will trade them for something else, maybe alcohol or drugs. My answer is always the same. They may do just that, but as a Christian I am compelled to give them what I have. If they choose to do something else with it, that is their decision, mine is to simply respond to their need. I am not responsible for what they do with it when it is in their hands. Today, bless all those who are hurting in body, mind, and/or spirit, that they might set aside their issues and let You deal with them on their behalf, and accept their humble repentance of their sins Abba. For those in conflicts around the world, especially in the Middle East, with wars and natural disasters, pour out an anointing upon them all, that they too, might feel You near them and take comfort in that knowledge. Amen


“Knowledge is proud; wisdom is humble.”


“After an absence of several years, I came to Jerusalem to bring my people gifts for the poor and to present offerings. (Acts 24:17)

The Great Jerusalem offering was important in Paul’s ministry. It provides scriptural material for Christians’ understanding of stewardship and giving. Christians everywhere should respond to needs among suffering Christians.


“Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.(Matthew 5: 42)

The Christian cannot ignore human need or refuse to help the needy. Whether we have sufficient resources or not, we help because we love Christ. We measure out giving by Christ, who gave everything, rather than by law or percentages. Thus, Christian stewards cannot turn away from people seeking help. The moment you turn away from the needy, you will regret your inaction immediately. It is because you are committed to striving to be like Christ, and when this becomes a part of who you are, you cannot turn away. You give until you have nothing left at all, as Christ did for us on the Cross.

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